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Blue Psalter Hymnal

$149.95 $99.95
  1. Abide with Me (470)
  2. Ah Dearest Jesus How Hast Thou Offended (351)
  3. Alas and Did My Savior Bleed (352)
  4. All Glory Be to Thee Most High (319)
  5. All Glory Laud and Honor (348)
  6. All That I Am I Owe to Thee (289)
  7. All Who with Heart Confiding (267)
  8. All Ye That Fear Jehovah's Name (35)
  9. Alleluia Alleluia (360)
  10. Alleluia Sing to Jesus (366)
  11. Another Year is Dawning (475)
  12. At the Name of Jesus (372)
  13. Beneath the Cross of Jesus (353)
  14. Blest the Man That Fears Jehovah (270)
  15. Brightest and Best of the Sons (343)
  16. Christ Shall Have Dominion (135)
  17. Christ the Lord is Risen Today (356)
  18. Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies (448)
  19. Christian Dost Thou See Them (464)
  20. Come for the Feast is Spread (420)
  21. Come Holy Spirit Heavenly Dove (396)
  22. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (314)
  23. Come Ye Disconsolate (458)
  24. Come Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain (362)
  25. Come Ye That Fear Jehovah (483)
  26. Comfort Comfort ye My People (406)
  27. Day of Judgment Day of Wonders (370)
  28. Dwell in Me O Blessed Spirit (397)
  29. Exalt the Lord His Praise Proclaim (282)
  30. Far and Near the Fields are Teeming (405)
  31. Father Again in Jesus' Name we Meet (323)
  32. From Greenland's Icy Mountains (401)
  33. From Ocean unto Ocean (478)
  34. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (402)
  35. God Be Merciful to Me (94)
  36. God Be With you Till We Meet Again (473)
  37. God Himself is With Us (324)
  38. God is Our Refuge and Our Strength (85)
  39. God of Our Fathers (476)
  40. Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah (407)
  41. Hallelujah Hallelujah (309)
  42. Hallelujah Hallelujah (310)
  43. Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah (304)
  44. He Leadeth Me (463)
  45. Hear Our Prayer O Lord (489)
  46. Hosanna Loud Hosanna (349)
  47. How Blest Is He Whose Trespass (55)
  48. How Bright Appears the Morning Star (336)
  49. How Good and Pleasant is the Sight (278)
  50. How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me (18)
  1. How Shall the Young Direct Their Way (237)
  2. I Love to Tell the Story (412)
  3. I Need Thee Every Hour (427)
  4. I Waited for the Lord Most High (71)
  5. In Doubt and Temptation (137)
  6. In the Hour of Trial (455)
  7. Jehovah Is My Light (48)
  8. Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross (354)
  9. Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun (399)
  10. Jesus The Very Thought of Thee (375)
  11. Jesus with Thy Church Abide (426)
  12. Low in the Grave He Lay (357)
  13. Man of Sorrows What a Name (381)
  14. May the Grace of Christ Our Savior (487)
  15. More Love to Thee O Christ (437)
  16. My Faith Looks Up to Thee (446)
  17. My soul in Silence Waits for God (110)
  18. Now unto Jehovah Ye Sons of the Mighty (251)
  19. Now with Joyful Exultation (184)
  20. O Day of Rest and Gladness (321)
  21. O for a Closer Walk with God (453)
  22. O God Our Help in Ages Past (176)
  23. O Jesus Joy of Loving Hearts (422)
  24. O Lord Beneath Thy Guiding Hand (486)
  25. O Praise Ye the Name of Jehovah (281)
  26. O Sacred Head Now Wounded (355)
  27. Praise God Ye Servants of the Lord (224)
  28. Rejoice the Lord is King (368)
  29. Rock of Ages Cleft for Me (388)
  30. Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us (417)
  31. See the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph (365)
  32. Shout For the Blessed Jesus Reigns (400)
  33. Sing to the Lord Sing His Praise (187)
  34. Sun of My Soul (472)
  35. Take Time to Be Holy (451)
  36. That Man is Blest (1)
  37. The Day of Resurrection (364)
  38. The Lord's My Shepherd (38)
  39. The Seasons Are Fixed by Wisdom Divine (207)
  40. The Tender Love a Father Has (205)
  41. This Is My Father's World (374)
  42. Thus Saith the Mercy of the Lord (419)
  43. Unless the Lord the House Shall Build (269)
  44. We Gather Together (312)
  45. What a Friend We Have in Jesus (436)
  46. What Shall I Render to the Lord (230)
  47. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night (338)
  48. Who O Lord with Thee Abiding (20)
  49. Whole-hearted Thanksgiving to Thee I Will Bring (14)
  50. Ye Gates Lift Your Heads (42)