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Presbyterian Hymnal

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  1. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (260)
  2. Abide With Me (543)
  3. Ah Holy Jesus (93)
  4. Alas and Did My Savior Bleed (78)
  5. All Glory Laud and Honor (88)
  6. All things Bright and Beautiful (266)
  7. Alleluia Sing to Jesus (144)
  8. Angels from the Realms of Glory (22)
  9. As With Gladness Men of Old (63)
  10. Be Known to Us in Breaking Bread (505)
  11. Be Thou My Vision - Lead Line (339)
  12. Beneath the Cross of Jesus (92)
  13. Blessed Assurance (341)
  14. Blest Be the Tie That Binds (438)
  15. Breathe on Me Breath of God (316)
  16. Christ of the Upward Way (344)
  17. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (356)
  18. Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus (1)
  19. Come Ye Thankful People Come (551)
  20. Crown Him with Many Crowns (151)
  21. Fairest Lord Jesus (306)
  22. For All the Saints (526)
  23. For the Beauty of the Earth (473)
  24. Give to the Winds Thy Fears (286)
  25. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken w/o descant (446)
  26. God of Grace and God of Glory (420)
  27. God of Mercy God of Grace (203)
  28. God of Our Life (275)
  29. God of the Ages Whose Almighty Hand (262)
  30. Good Christian Friends Rejoice (28)
  31. Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah (281)
  32. Hark the Herald Angels Sing (31)
  33. He Is King of Kings (153)
  34. Holy Ghost Dispel Our Sadness (317)
  35. Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty - w/o descant (138)
  36. Hosanna Loud Hosanna (89)
  37. How Firm a Foundation (361)
  38. I Sing the Mighty Power of God (288)
  39. I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (363)
  40. Immortal Invisible God Only Wise (263)
  41. In Christ There Is No East or West (440)
  42. In the Cross of Christ I Glory (84)
  43. Jesus Christ is Risen Today - without descant (123)
  44. Jesus Loves Me (304)
  45. Jesus Our Divine Companion - lead line (305)
  46. Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun without Dn (423)
  47. Jesus Thou Joy of Loving Hearts (510)
  48. Jesus Thy Boundless Love to Me (366)
  49. Joy to the World (40)
  50. Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (464)
  1. Just As I Am without One Plea (370)
  2. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (5)
  3. Let Us Break Bread (513)
  4. Let Us with a Gladsome Mind (244)
  5. Lift Up Your Heads Ye Mighty Gates (8)
  6. Lord Make Us More Holy (536)
  7. Love Divine All Loves Excelling (376)
  8. More Love to Thee O Christ (359)
  9. My Country Tis of Thee (561)
  10. My Hope is Built on Nothing Less (379)
  11. My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (172)
  12. Now Thank We All Our God (555)
  13. O Beautiful For Spacious Skies (564)
  14. O Come All Ye Faithful (41)
  15. O for a Closer Walk with God (396)
  16. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing (466)
  17. O Little Town of Bethlehem (44)
  18. O Lord How Shall I Meet You (11)
  19. O My Soul Bless Your Redeemer (223)
  20. O Perfect Love (533)
  21. O Sacred Head Now Wounded (98)
  22. O Word of God Incarnate (327)
  23. O Worship the King All Glorious Above (476)
  24. Open My Eyes That I May See (324)
  25. Our God Our Help in Ages Past (210)
  26. Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow (593)
  27. Praise My Soul the King of Heaven (478)
  28. Praise Ye the Lord the Almighty (482)
  29. Precious Lord Take My Hand (404)
  30. Rejoice the Lord is King (155)
  31. Ride On Ride On in Majesty (91)
  32. Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us (387)
  33. Silent Night (60)
  34. Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart (326)
  35. Take My Life (391)
  36. Take Thou Our Minds Dear Lord (392)
  37. That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright (121)
  38. The Church's One Foundation (442)
  39. The Day of Resurrection (118)
  40. There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (298)
  41. Thine is the Glory (122)
  42. This is My Father's World (293)
  43. To God be the Glory (485)
  44. We Gather Together (559)
  45. We Give Thee But Thine Own (428)
  46. Were You There (102)
  47. What a Friend We Have in Jesus (403)
  48. What Wondrous Love Is This (85)
  49. When Morning Gilds the Skies (487)
  50. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (59)