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Trinity Hymnal

$149.95 $99.95
  1. A Child of the King (525)
  2. A Mighty Fortress Is our God (92)
  3. All Glory Laud and Honor (235)
  4. All Praise to Thee Eternal Lord (219)
  5. All the Way My Savior Leads Me (605)
  6. Angels from the Realms of Glory (218)
  7. Around the Throne of God in Heaven (543)
  8. At the Lambs High Feast We Sing (420)
  9. Before Jehovah's Awesome Throne (65)
  10. Blest Be the Tie that Binds (359)
  11. Break Thou the Bread of Life (146)
  12. Breathe on Me Breath of God (334)
  13. Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands (279)
  14. Christ the Lord is Risen Today (277)
  15. Christ We Do All Adore Thee (737)
  16. Come Christians Join to Sing (302)
  17. Come for the Feast is Spread (480)
  18. Come Thou Almighty King (101)
  19. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (457)
  20. Come to the Savior Now (475)
  21. Come We That Love the Lord (700)
  22. Come Ye Faithful Raise the Strain (266)
  23. Come Ye Thankful People Come (715)
  24. Comfort Comfort Ye My People (197)
  25. Day is Dying in the West (408)
  26. Doxology (733)
  27. Fairest Lord Jesus (170)
  28. Gloria Patri (735)
  29. Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken (345)
  30. God Be Merciful to Me (486)
  31. God in the Gospel of His Son (141)
  32. Gracious Spirit Dwell with Me (335)
  33. Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah (598)
  34. Hallelujah Praise Jehovah (110)
  35. Hallelujah Thine the Glory (179)
  36. Hark the Herald Angels Sing (203)
  37. Holy God We Praise Your Name (103)
  38. Holy Holy Holy (100)
  39. How Vast the Benefits Divine (470)
  40. I Am Not Skilled to Understand (459)
  41. I Know Whom I Have Believed (705)
  42. I Love Thy Kingdom Lord (353)
  43. Immortal Invisible God only Wise (38)
  44. In Sweet Communion Lord with Thee (657)
  45. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (200)
  46. It Is Well with My Soul (691)
  47. Jesus Christ is Risen Today (Llanfair) (273)
  48. Jesus I Am Resting Resting (188)
  49. Jesus Loves Me This I Know (189)
  50. Jesus the Very Thought of Thee (645)
  1. Jesus Thy Blood and Righteousness (520)
  2. Jesus What a Friend for Sinners (498)
  3. Joy to the World (195)
  4. Just as I Am without One Plea (501)
  5. Lead Me Lord Lead Me In Thy Righteousness (727)
  6. Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds (364)
  7. Lift Up Your Heads Ye Mighty Gates (198)
  8. Like a River Glorious (699)
  9. Look Ye Saints the Sight is Glorious (299)
  10. Loved with Everlasting Love (703)
  11. Man of Sorrows What a Name (246)
  12. Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord (465)
  13. May the Mind of Christ My Savior (644)
  14. My Faith Has Found a Resting Place (468)
  15. My God How Wonderful Thou Art (35)
  16. My Hope is Built on Nothing Less (521)
  17. Not What My Hands Have Done (461)
  18. Now Thank We All Our God (98)
  19. O come O Come Emmanuel (194)
  20. O Jesus We Adore Thee (255)
  21. O Little Town of Bethlehem (201)
  22. O Lord Most High with All My Heart (48)
  23. O That I Had A Thousand Voices (22)
  24. O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus (535)
  25. Of the Father's Love Begotten (162)
  26. Our God Our Help in Ages Past (30)
  27. Praise My Soul the King of Heaven (76)
  28. Praise the Savior Now and Ever (243)
  29. Rejoice the Lord is King (310)
  30. Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart (604)
  31. Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us (599)
  32. Sing to the Lord of Harvest (716)
  33. Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart (338)
  34. Take My Life and Let It Be (585)
  35. The Church's One Foundation (347)
  36. The Heavens Declare Thy Glory (113)
  37. Thee We Adore Eternal Lord (19)
  38. There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood (253)
  39. Thine Be the Glory (274)
  40. This is My Father's World (111)
  41. Tis Midnight and On Olive's Brow (249)
  42. To God Be the Glory (55)
  43. Up from the Grave He Arose (276)
  44. What Child Is This (213)
  45. What Wondrous Love Is This (261)
  46. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (252)
  47. When Morning Gilds the Skies (167)
  48. While by the Sheep We Watched at Night (215)
  49. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night (223)
  50. With Grateful Heart My Thanks I Bring (88)